The task aims at exploiting the extraordinary observational capabilities of the Campo Imperatore Observatory (AQ) by acquiring a new Infrared, adaptive optics facility to be mounted at the AZT-24 telescope and capable of tackling the astrophysical challenges expected in the next decades in the fields of Multi-messenger Astronomy, Supernovae and Cosmology, Stellar Evolution and Habitable Planetary Systems.

  • Deadline
    December 2024
  • Status

Entities participating in the activities

  • Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

Financial resources 0.6 Million euro

Faculty and researchers involved in project activities 287,250.00 €
Calls for researchers, post-docs, and technologists 0.00 €
Equipment 220,000.00 €
Buildings/land 0.00 €
Calls for companies 0.00 €
Consultancies 0.00 €
Indirect costs 43,087.50 €
Title Description/objectives Entities Expected month of completion Status Attachments
Realization of the executive project for the IR optics system Definition of requirements, design and executive project of the IR optics system. INAF August 2023 Nearing completion
Adaptive optics acquisition Through different tenders and inhouse activities the adaptive optics system will be acquired. INAF June 2024 Nearing completion
New IR telescope facility commissioning Commissioning and engineering tests of the new IR telescope facility. INAF December 2024 Ongoing
Title Description/objectives Entities Expected month of completion Status Attachments
IR telescope facility INAF
Task final report GSSI, INAF