The task will be dedicated to study innovative solutions for multifunctional structures for cubesat platforms and small (< 20 Kg) payloads, as the Penetrating particle Analyzer (PAN), currently developed with standard solutions.

Mechanical design for space application traditionally provides structural support to the payload/platform with particular attention to the choice of materials and geometry to match the stringent requirements on masses/volumes.

The objective of this activity is to go further in the design and production of support structures, by thinking of the mechanical structure as an integral part of the payload/platform serving additional purposes other than structural integrity.

  • Deadline
    December 2025
  • Status

Entities participating in the activities

  • Università degli Studi di Perugia

Financial resources 0.3 Million euro

Faculty and researchers involved in project activities 243,586.96 €
Calls for researchers, post-docs, and technologists 0.00 €
Equipment 0.00 €
Buildings/land 0.00 €
Calls for companies 0.00 €
Consultancies 0.00 €
Indirect costs 36,538.04 €
Title Description/objectives Entities Expected month of completion Status Attachments
Design Definition of design requirements and translation of mathematical models to numerical simulations. Analysis and optimization of design parameters, choice and characterization of materials and processes, selection of components. UNIPG December 2024 Ongoing
Prototype Component-level testing, design optimization though a breadboard functional analysis in a laboratory environment. Manufacturing of a complete prototype, characterization and testing of the prototype in a relevant environment under possible operative conditions (launch and on-orbit associated mechanical and thermal loads). UNIPG December 2025 To be launched
Title Description/objectives Entities Expected month of completion Status Attachments
Prototype UNIPG
Task final report GSSI, UNIPG