The Spoke, also thanks to the specific skills of the Social Studies area of the GSSI and its existing collaborations, such as that with Openpolis Foundation, will assess and monitor the social and environmental impact of new technologies developed.

The Intellectual Property rights deriving from technological development activities of the spoke will then be exploited while maximizing social and environmental sustainability, through licenses that require ethical applications.

This task will include ex-ante evaluation of the impact of single technological development projects, collection and analysis of KPI, identification of meliorative actions and strategies for project activities and valorization of results, dissemination of best practice through publications and seminars.

  • Deadline
    December 2025
  • Status

Entities participating in the activities

  • Gran Sasso Science Institute
  • Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Financial resources 0.2 Million euro

Faculty and researchers involved in project activities 164,250.00 €
Calls for researchers, post-docs, and technologists 0.00 €
Equipment 0.00 €
Buildings/land 0.00 €
Calls for companies 0.00 €
Consultancies 0.00 €
Indirect costs 24,637.50 €
Title Description/objectives Entities Expected month of completion Status Attachments
Intended Impact Definition of the Intended economic, social, environmental Impact and individuation of KPI for each Technology Development project. GSSI, FBK December 2025 Ongoing
Dissemination Workshops Organization of workshops aimed at both the public and the private sector to disseminate best practices and techniques for impact evaluation and management. GSSI, FBK December 2025 Ongoing
Interim report Sharing with each project P.I. of an Interim report on Impact trajectory and forecast, identifying possible meliorative actions to implement in the following 12 months. GSSI December 2025 Ongoing
Final report Publication of a case study on the economic, social, and environmental Impact of each technology development project. GSSI December 2025 To be launched
Title Description/objectives Entities Expected month of completion Status Attachments
SMEs accelerated Completion of acceleration program by SMEs.
Impact case studies Publication of a case studies.