WP1 Advanced technologies for Space industry
In the framework of this WP1, the Spoke and Spoke affiliates will develop innovative technologies of great interest for the Space industry, covering both innovations in payloads technologies and satellite platforms, bridging the gap that separates pure research ("curiosity driven") from the industrial and commercial application of new technologies.
Innovative sensors for space observations in different frequency bands will be realized, spanning from X and gamma rays down to ultraviolet and visible, bringing their space qualification to the highest level. Innovative solutions for Cubesat platforms will be developed aiming at integrating payload and platform functionalities, by thinking of the mechanical structure as an integral part of the payload/platform serving additional purposes other than structural integrity.
The activities of WP1 will allow to train and attract human resources from industry and research institutions, who will acquire design, innovative, management and leadership skills, in an international context, flexible and open to contamination between different backgrounds, cultures, technologies and skills.
Long term sustainability will be ensured by the fact that the space sector is undergoing a re-thinking of the supply chain, especially when low TRL is involved, which requires opening and making accessible the supply chain to new partners particularly in the sector of advanced research, where innovative technological solutions are typically developed.
In order to allow access to the space sector to research centers and industries, TAS-I, an affiliate of this spoke, has resolved that their new satellite AIT factory under development will include an area open to those subjects (including SMEs) which do not yet have facilities such as Clean room, environments and test machines. It should be emphasized that these facilities have within them the competent human resources not only to make them work, but also to assist and guide any guests.
Length35 months
LaunchJanuary 2023
DeadlineDecember 2025
Structured personnel60
Recruited researchers5
Upcoming expected deadlineCE payload qualification model realization and test (June 2025)
Entities participating in the activities
Financial resources 5.3 Million euro
Faculty and researchers involved in project activities | 1,821,690.66 € |
Calls for researchers, post-docs, and technologists | 500,000.00 € |
Equipment | 2,723,978.49 € |
Buildings/land | 0.00 € |
Calls for companies | 0.00 € |
Consultancies | 0.00 € |
Indirect costs | 273,253.59 € |
Task 4
The work package consists of the following tasks listed.
Task | Foreseen deadline |
WP1.A Crystal Eye: novel technologies for X and gamma ray observation Ongoing | 12/2025 |
WP1.B Cryogenic systems for the LGWA pathfinder Ongoing | 12/2025 |
WP1.C Infrared Adaptive-Optics facility at the AZT-24 telescope of Campo Imperatore Ongoing | 12/2024 |
WP1.D Multifunctional structures for space applications Ongoing | 12/2025 |
Expected impact
- New technologies and prototypes developed
- Human resources from industry and research institutions trained on-the-job through joint projects
- Highly qualified human resources and PhD students attracted, especially from other EU and non-EU countries
- Supply chains industries and SMEs involved in WP activities