Articoli peer-reviewed - Digital platforms for space industry

Milestone 24 - Digital platforms for space industry   
   A. Peer-reviewed journal papers 
1. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Rogardt Heldal, Keila Lima, Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan, Patrizio Pelliccione, Lars Michael Kristensen, Kjetil Waldeland Høydal, Pål Asle Reiersgaard, Yngve Kvinnsland (2023) Engineering Challenges of Stationary Wireless Smart Ocean Observation Systems IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (Journal Paper) 

2. Roger Nazir, Alessio Bucaioni, Patrizio Pelliccione (2023) Architecting ML-enabled systems: challenges, best practices, and design decisions Journal of Systems & Software (JSS). (Journal Paper)  

3. Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, Debashmita Poddar, Cosimo Vinci: Better bounds on the adaptivity gap of influence maximization under full-adoption feedback. Artif. Intell. 318: 103895 (2023). (Journal Paper) 

4. Samira Silva, Patrizio Pelliccione, Antonia Bertolino (2023) Self-Adaptive Testing in the Field, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems. (Journal Paper) 

5. Franco Barbanera, Ivan Lanese, Emilio Tuosto: Composition of synchronous communicating systems. J. Log. Algebraic Methods Program. 135: 100890 (2023). (Journal Paper)


6. Franco Barbanera, Ivan Lanese, Emilio Tuosto: A Theory of Formal Choreographic Languages. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 19(3) (2023). (Conf. Paper) 


7. Enxhi Ferko, Alessio Bucaioni, Patrizio Pelliccione, Moris Behnam (2023) Analysing Interoperability in Digital Twin Software Architectures for Manufacturing In: ECSA 2023. (Conf. Paper)  

8. Roland Kuhn, Hernán C. Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto: Behavioural Types for Local-First Software (Artifact). Dagstuhl Artifacts Ser. 9(2): 14:1-14:5 (2023). (Conf. Paper) 

9. Roland Kuhn, Hernán C. Melgratti, Emilio Tuosto: Behavioural Types for Local-First Software. ECOOP 2023: 15:1-15:28. (Conf. Paper) 

10. A. Staffa, M. Palmieri, G. Morettini, F. Cianetti and C. Braccesi. Integration of Piezoresistive Sensors into AM Structural Components: Evaluation of Sensor Properties and Its Impact on Component Mechanical Performance. (Conf. Paper) 

11. Giovanni Quattrocchi, Emilio Incerto, Riccardo Pinciroli, Catia Trubiani, Luciano Baresi", Autoscaling Solutions for Cloud Applications under Dynamic Workloads", accepted for IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), to appear. (Journal Paper) 

12. J. Afonso, E. Konjoh Selabi, M. Murgia, A. Ravara, E. Tuosto. TRAC: a tool for data-aware coordination. COORDINATION 2024 (To appear). (Conf. Paper) 

13. C. G. Lopez Pombo, P. Montepagano, E. Tuosto. SEArch: an execution infrastructure for service-based software systems. COORDINATION 2024 (To appear). (Conf. Paper) 

14. C. Bartolo Burlò, A. Francalanza, A. Scalas, E. Tuosto. COTS: Connected OpenAPI Test Synthesis for RESTful Applications. COORDINATION 2024 (To appear). (Conf. Paper) 

15. P. Krupa, O. Inverso, M. Tribastone, A. Bemporad. “Certification of the proximal gradient method under fixed-point arithmetic for box-constrained QP problems”. Elsevier Automatica 2024. (Journal Paper) 

16. Pinate, A., Cattani, L., Dal Molin, M., & Faggian, A. (2024). ‘Get back to where you once belonged’? Effects of skilled internal migration on Italian regional green growth. Papers in Regional Science, 103(4), 100036. (Q1) 

17. Moretti, M., Rossi, A., & Senin, N. "Optical tomography by laser line scanning and digital twinning for in-process inspection of lattice structures in material extrusion." Additive Manufacturing (2024): 104424. (Q1) 

18. Rossi, A., Pescara, T., Gambelli, A. M., Gaggia, F., Asthana, A., Perrier, Q., Basta, G., Moretti, M., Senin, N., Rossi, F., Orlando, G. & Calafiore, R. “Biomaterials for extrusion-based bioprinting and biomedical applications”. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 12 (2024): (Journal Paprs) 

19. Angelella S., Albi E., Dionigi M., Logozzo S., Valigi M.C. Proposal and Modeling by Simscape Multibody of a Mechatronic Device for Breast Cancer Cells Experiments (2024) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 164 MMS, pp. 546 - 554, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-64569-3_62. (Conf. Ser.) 

20. Di Frischia, S., Dolci, M. 2024: AI detection of S/N<1 Sources in infrared images: a deep learning algorithm developed for the AZT24 facility at Campo Imperatore Observatory, Proceedings of the SPIE, id. 13101, p. 131012Y DOI: 10.1117/12.3018759 (Conf. Ser.) 

21. Dolci, M., Brocato, E., Rodeghiero, G., Di Frischia, S., D'Incecco, P., Canzari, M., Benedetti, S., De Luise, F., Di Carlo, M., Di Cianno, A., Napoleone, N., Piersimoni, A. M., Portaluri, E., Raimondo, G., Tartaglia, L., Valentini, A., Valentini, G. 2024: Upgrading the AZT24 telescope at the Campo Imperatore high-altitude observatory: design, installation of a new, seeing-enhanced NIR imager, Proceedings of the SPIE, id. 13096, p. 130968W DOI: 10.1117/12.3020225 (Conf. Ser.)   

22. D'Incecco, P., Gorinov, D. A., Dolci, M., Tartaglia, L., De Luise, F., Valentini, G., Cantiello, M., Filiberto, J., Bhiravarasu, S. S., Brocato, E., Rodeghiero, G., Valentini, A., Benedetti, S., Di Carlo, M., Di Cianno, A., Di Frischia, S., Napoleone, N., Piersimoni, A., Portaluri, E., Raimondo, G., Spanò, P., Di Achille, G. 2024: The INAF Campo Imperatore Observatory in Abruzzo (Italy) as an Earth Observation Facility for the Study of Venus Night Airglows (VNAs), Proceedings of the 55th Lunar, Planetary Science Conference, id. 3040, p. 2202 (Conf. Ser.) 

23. Pinate, A. C., Dal Molin, M., & Brandano, M. G. (2024). The Geography of Green Innovation in Italy. In CONFLICT SCENARIOS AND TRANSITIONS. Opportunities and Risks for Regions and Territories. (Book Chapter) 

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