Articoli peer-reviewed - Advanced technologies for space industry

Milestone 23 - Advanced technologies for space industry 
A. Peer-reviewed journal papers 

1. Barbato F., Abba A., Anastasio A., Barbarino G., Boiano A., De Mitri I., Di Giovanni A., Ferrentino L., Garufi F., Guida R., Papa S. Renno F., Vanzanella A., Wu L. - CRYSTAL EYE: A new X and gamma ray all-sky-monitor for space missions - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,  Volume 1049 , April 2023 ,  Article number 168045. (Q1) 

2. Garufi F., Abba A., Anastasio A., Barbarino, Barbato F.C.T.,  G., Boiano A., De Asmundis R., De Mitri I., Ferrentino L., Guarino F., Guida R., Vanzanella A. - The Crystal Eye X and gamma-ray detector for space missions - Journal of Physics: Conference Series Open Access Volume 2429,  Issue 1, 2023 , Article number 012024. (Conf. Ser.) 

3. R. Colalillo, F. C. T. Barbato, I. De Mitri, A. DiGiovanni, M. Fernandez Alonso, G. Fontanella, F. Garufi, F. Guarino, I. Siddique, A. Smirnov, L. Valore, and Libo Wu - Crystal Eye: a wide sight on the Universe for X and gamma-ray detection - Proceedings of Science, PoS (ICRC2023) 1538, 2023. (Conf. Ser.) 

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